The Causes of Depression

Brain Monoamine is found to have a direct role in depression.
Heniger et al (1996)
Aim: To test effect of monoamine depletion and the effects of monoamine on depression
Procedure : Reduced monamine level to see the effect of them on those currently suffering from depression, recovered from depression and those without depression
Result: Relapse to serotonin depletion or catecholamine depletion is specific to the antidepressant
Healthy people were not affected
Recovered patient were more subjected to relapsed
depressed patients did not get worst
if patient had taken medication with serotonin inhibitor then they are more susceptible to relapses
Implication: Monoamine does have an effect on depression, but not the only reason
Genettic causes of depression is investigated using twin studies
Aim: A meta-analysis of twin studies to investigate genetic cuases
MZ twins were more likely to develope major depression than DZ twins
Genetic influence in developing major depression was between 37%
Environment also has an effect
Implication: Depressionvie familial disorder with genetic components and to some extent environemntal component

Aim: Investigate the effectiness of SSRI in depression
Procedure: A metaanalysis on studies that tested the effect of anti depressants
Result: 57% of the studies failed to show a statistical difference between the anti depressants and a neutral placebo
Serotonin may not be a strong cause of depression
Kirsch et al ( 2002)
MZ: Monozygotic twins share 100% of genetic material
DZ:Dizygotic twins share 50% of genetic material