300 million people in the world from all ages suffer from depression
is the leading mental illness
More woman are affected by depression (WHO)
a lifetime prevalence of major depression is 21.3% in woman compared to 12.7 in men ( Kessler et al 1993) ​
Depression 's prevalence vary across culture
3% in Japan and 17% in U.S.​ (Andrade and Caravo 2003) ​
3.7% of all U.S DALYs ( total number of years lost to the illness)
8.3% of all U.S YLDs ( years loved in burden of a disease)
This is the highest amongst all affective disorders
In 2015 16.1 million adults aged 18 or older in the U.S had at least one symptom of major depression
This is 6.7% of all adults in U.S.​​
In 2015, around 3 million teens (12-17) in the United states display at least one major depressive episode in the past years.
This is 12.5% of all teens in the U.S.​