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  • 300 million people in the world from all ages suffer from depression

  • is the leading mental illness 

  • More woman are affected by depression (WHO) 

    • a lifetime prevalence of major depression is 21.3% in woman compared to 12.7 in men ( Kessler et al 1993) â€‹

  • Depression 's prevalence vary across culture 

    • 3% in Japan and 17% in U.S.​ (Andrade and Caravo 2003) â€‹

  • 3.7%  of all U.S DALYs ( total number of years lost to the illness)

  • 8.3% of all U.S YLDs ( years loved in burden of a disease)

This is the highest amongst all affective disorders

  • In 2015 16.1 million adults aged 18 or older in the U.S had at least one symptom of major depression

    • This is 6.7% of all adults in U.S.​​

  • In 2015, around 3 million teens (12-17) in the United states display at least one major depressive episode in the past years.

    • This is 12.5% of all teens in the U.S.​



Prevalence: this is the population who have or had a specific characteristic in a given time period of a mental illness ( NIH) â€‹

Prevalence in U.S.

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