Gender Difference in Depression
Stressful experiences can sensitize both biological and psychological system to more stress and make it more likely for individuals to react badly with depression
Man and Woman's reaction with stressful life events
Woman are more prone to sexual assault and this can increase the rate of depression ( Weiss, Longhurst, & Mazure, 1999 )
Between 7 and 19% of females and 3 to 7% males ( Cutler & Nolen-Hoeksema, 1991)
Chronic Strains
Woman face many chronic burden every day due to their social status and roles in relation with men
Woman are left with a full-time job and the responsibility to taking care of the child and elderly parents.
Gender Intensification in Adolescence
Girls are pressured into certain gender roles as kids
Reactivity to Stress
Woman cope and react to stress differently to stress than men.​
Biological Responses to Stress
Focused on the roles of hypothalamic- pituitary-adrenaline ( HPA)
A hypothesis suggested that woman are more likely than men to have a deregulated HP A response to stress, which makes them more likely to develop depression in response to stress (Weiss et al., 1999).
Girls have poorer self-concepts than boys.
negative self-concepts could contribute directly to depresssion, and could interact with stressors to contribute to depression.
Coping Style
By adolescence, girls appear to be more likely than boys to respond to stress and distress with rumination—focusing inward on feelings of distress and personal concerns rather than taking action to relieve their distress
Gender differences in depression
Piccinelli & Wilkinson (2000).
Aim: To review factors that contribute to the gender differences in depressive disorders
Method: Critical review of the literatures that looks at the factor of the differences in gender for depression
Result: Adverse experiences at childhood/adolescence, different stressors, vulnerability and coping style all plays apart in depression. However, biology response was not find as a big reason.
Strength: This study provides a bigger picture that combines many studies
Limitations: Does not evaluate the possible limitations of the studies used and only correlational findings.