Sources: DSM 5
Additional information: Individuals are diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder if displaying 5 or more of the symptoms above in a span of at least 2 weeks.
Depressive mood ( feeling hopeless,sad, numb) almost every day ( children and teens this means displaying irritable mood).
Observed by other as appearing to be tearful or sad .
Significant weight changes of 5% of previous body weight, or a change in appetite ( decrease or increase) for children this means not gaining weight.
Lack of pleasure for any activity during the day.
Insomnia and hyper insomnia almost everyday.
Feeling tired almost everyday
Feeling extremely agitated ( usually observed by others)
Lack of ability to concentrate or pay attention to any activity.
Inability to make decisions
Feeling guilty ( result of being delusional) and worthless almost everyday.
Constant thoughts of death and suicide, having specific plans for suicide.